Friends of Fishers Political Action Committee (FOFPAC) GOALs:

Focus on Academic Excellence

  • Develop metrics-based goals;

  • Identify peer and aspirational institutions not exclusive to enrollment for benchmarking;

  • Evaluate DEI and lost learning dollar application and effectiveness to identify future application of resources; and

  • Adopt consistent curriculum across grade level to reduce variances in development of core academic skills.

Commitment to partnership and transparency with parents/guardians

  • Provide transparency through granting access to teaching and learning materials, training materials and expected learning outcomes;

  • Move to an opt in policy for surveys and programs; and

  • Develop improved platforms for requests, questions, and feedback.

Reward employees based on metric based academic performance goals

  • Attract, retain and reward high performing employees.

Commitment to Fiscal Responsibility

  • Quarterly financials presented at public meetings;

  • Conduct an annual audit by a professional independent firm;

  • Review request for proposal of audit firms at least every 5 years; and

  • Hire an independent firm to evaluate fiscal responsibility prior to presenting referendum recommendations.

Friends of Fishers Is Taking Action To Support HSE School Board Candidates Who Will Restore Parental Rights & Academic Excellence To Our Schools